Pause – set your Pulse…
Take a breath. Release the tension in your body. Place attention on your physical heart. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease.
Trinity Radionics
The universe, with its vast and mysterious dimensions, has been a source of intrigue and wonder for centuries. While scientific discoveries have illuminated many aspects of our world, there are still realms of existence that remain elusive, often explored through the lens of metaphysics. One such tool that has been regarded with great reverence in metaphysical circles is the dodecahedron. A polyhedron with twelve faces, the dodecahedron is not just a geometrical shape but is believed to possess profound metaphysical properties, capable of transforming consciousness and enhancing spiritual well-being.
The dodecahedron’s metaphysical significance goes beyond its mathematical elegance, serving as a portal to deeper understanding and a conduit for accessing higher dimensions. It is a sacred geometric form that has been associated with the elements, the cosmos, and the balance between the physical and spiritual realms. In this article, we will explore the metaphysical capabilities of the dodecahedron, its usage, and the claim that its power is real, not just an abstract concept.
To understand the metaphysical properties of the dodecahedron, we first need to explore its geometry and symbolism. The dodecahedron is one of the five Platonic solids, which are regular, convex polyhedra that have identical faces composed of regular polygons. The dodecahedron has twelve pentagonal faces, thirty edges, and twenty vertices. In the realm of sacred geometry, these shapes are seen as the building blocks of the universe, with each one representing a unique aspect of cosmic order.
In particular, the dodecahedron is often associated with the element of ether or spirit. While other Platonic solids correspond to the classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water), the dodecahedron is linked to the fifth element, the “fifth essence,” which is believed to be the binding force of the universe. This connection with the ether makes the dodecahedron a powerful symbol of the spiritual realm, the interconnectedness of all things, and the infinite nature of existence.
Many ancient cultures, including the Greeks and Egyptians, revered sacred geometry and its connection to the divine. The philosopher Plato, for example, associated the dodecahedron with the cosmos, believing it to be the shape of the universe itself. This connection to the cosmos is not just symbolic; it is believed that the dodecahedron can act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions, allowing individuals to access higher states of consciousness and tap into universal knowledge.
One of the most significant metaphysical properties of the dodecahedron is its ability to channel universal energy. Because it is considered a geometric representation of the universe itself, the dodecahedron is believed to attract and amplify cosmic energy, directing it toward the individual who is using it. This energy can be harnessed for healing, spiritual growth, and personal transformation.
When meditating with a dodecahedron, it is said that practitioners can tap into the flow of universal life force, known as chi or prana. This energy can be used to clear blockages in the energy field, align the chakras, and promote overall well-being. In this sense, the dodecahedron acts as a conduit for cosmic healing, offering an effective tool for those seeking balance and harmony in their lives.
Meditation is a powerful tool for accessing higher states of consciousness, and the dodecahedron is believed to enhance this process. Its unique geometry, with its twelve faces and complex structure, is said to facilitate a deep connection with the higher self and the divine. When used during meditation, the dodecahedron can help the practitioner enter a state of heightened awareness, where they are more receptive to intuitive insights and spiritual guidance.
Many practitioners report experiencing vivid visions, profound insights, and a greater sense of inner peace when meditating with a dodecahedron. This is thought to be a result of the geometric shape’s ability to open the mind to new possibilities and expand consciousness beyond the confines of the physical world.
In addition to enhancing meditation, the dodecahedron is said to aid in lucid dreaming and astral projection. The shape’s vibrational frequency is believed to resonate with the astral plane, allowing individuals to travel beyond the physical body and explore other realms of existence. As such, the dodecahedron is often used by advanced spiritual practitioners as a tool for deepening their spiritual practices and gaining access to hidden knowledge.
The human body is not just physical; it also has an energetic component, often referred to as the auric field. This energetic body is composed of subtle energies that correspond to different chakras or energy centers. These chakras can become blocked or imbalanced due to emotional trauma, stress, or negative thought patterns, leading to physical and mental health issues.
The dodecahedron is believed to have the ability to balance and realign the chakras. Its twelve faces correspond to the twelve main energy centers of the body, with each face acting as a gateway for energy to flow freely through the body. By placing a dodecahedron near the body or holding it during meditation, individuals can help clear blockages and restore harmony to their energetic systems.
Moreover, the dodecahedron is thought to act as a protective shield, guarding against negative influences and psychic attacks. Its geometric form creates a powerful energetic field that surrounds the individual, helping to keep their aura intact and shielded from harmful energies.
In the metaphysical world, the dodecahedron is also linked to the power of manifestation. Its association with the etheric realm and universal energy makes it an ideal tool for those wishing to manifest their desires or bring their intentions into reality. By aligning one’s thoughts, emotions, and energy with the dodecahedron, practitioners believe they can direct the flow of energy to manifest their goals.
To use the dodecahedron for manifestation, one would focus on their intentions while holding or meditating with the shape. The practitioner must visualize their desires clearly and feel the emotions associated with achieving those desires. As the energy flows through the dodecahedron, it is believed to be amplified and sent into the universe, bringing the individual closer to their desired outcome.
For those on a path of spiritual enlightenment, the dodecahedron is a powerful tool for growth and ascension. Its connection to the ether and the cosmos allows it to serve as a guide on the spiritual journey, helping individuals to transcend their earthly limitations and connect with higher realms of existence.
Using the dodecahedron as a tool for spiritual growth involves working with it on a regular basis, whether through meditation, visualization, or simply holding it in your hands. Over time, it is believed that the dodecahedron can help raise one’s vibration, expand consciousness, and facilitate the process of spiritual awakening. Some practitioners even claim that the dodecahedron can accelerate ascension, guiding the individual toward enlightenment and a deeper connection with the divine.
Using the dodecahedron for its metaphysical properties is a deeply personal practice, and there are many ways to incorporate it into your daily life. Here are some practical methods for working with the dodecahedron:
Meditation: Sit in a quiet space, hold the dodecahedron in your hands, and focus on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, allow your mind to quiet and your awareness to expand. Visualize the dodecahedron radiating light and energy, and feel its connection to the universe. You may wish to focus on a specific intention or question during your meditation.
Energy Healing: Place the dodecahedron near your body, especially over areas where you feel tension or discomfort. Allow the shape to work with your energy field, clearing blockages and restoring balance. You can also use the dodecahedron in combination with crystals or other healing tools to amplify its effects.
Manifestation Rituals: Set your intentions clearly and focus on your goals while holding the dodecahedron. As you concentrate, visualize your desires coming to fruition and feel the energy of manifestation flowing through the shape.
Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming: Keep the dodecahedron near your bed or under your pillow while you sleep. As you drift into sleep, set the intention to experience lucid dreams or astral travel. The dodecahedron is believed to enhance these experiences, helping you explore the astral planes.
The dodecahedron is not just a geometrical shape but a powerful metaphysical tool capable of transforming consciousness, balancing energy, and facilitating spiritual growth. Whether used for healing, meditation, manifestation, or spiritual ascension, the dodecahedron offers a gateway to higher realms of existence, allowing individuals to tap into universal energy and unlock their full potential. Its ancient symbolism, connection to the cosmos, and ability to channel divine energy make the dodecahedron a truly real and powerful tool for those on a journey of transformation.
In this article, we will explore the significance of Metatron’s Cube, its usage, and how it is claimed to unlock profound truths. We will delve into the geometry, the symbolism, and the practical applications that believers assert give it its transformative power. This is not merely a mystical shape—it is regarded by many as a living tool that can bring about real-world change, healing, and a higher state of awareness.
At its core, Metatron’s Cube is a geometric figure composed of 13 circles. It is named after the archangel Metatron, who is said to be the celestial scribe of the universe, recording all knowledge and guiding souls toward spiritual ascension. The figure itself is not just a random arrangement of circles; each circle has a specific purpose, and the shape itself is intricately tied to the structure of the universe. (more…)
Introduction to Radiesthesia:
Radiesthesia, a term derived from radius (meaning “ray”) and aesthesis (meaning “sensation”), refers to the study of how certain individuals claim to perceive energy fields emanating from people, objects, and even the Earth. Often associated with dowsing (the practice of locating water, minerals, or lost objects using rods or pendulums), radiesthesia extends to the realm of detecting subtle energies related to health, emotions, or spiritual well-being. (more…)
The universe is an intricate web of energy in constant motion, where the condensation of unseen forces manifests as matter, sound, color, and light. This cosmic dance reveals a realm of mysterious vibrations and energetic currents that shape the physical and metaphysical world alike.
In the pursuit of deeper understanding, we must venture beyond conventional science and explore the hidden forces that influence life and consciousness. Knowledge expands when we embrace intuition, perception, and observation alongside traditional experimentation. Reality itself may be but a projection of intricate waveforms, resonating from an infinite source of creative energy.
In our century great changes have taken place in all areas of human life.
Perhaps the most spectacular took place in the field of Physics. Previously, Newtonian physics provided verifiable and predictable explanations of the mechanics of phenomena perceived by the bodily senses. Newtonian laws, although applicable to the sensible world, were unable to establish observations at the atomic and subatomic levels. New theories and new laws had to be formulated to interpret the phenomena of these levels. Einstein, Heisenberg and others interpreted these phenomena, developing new concepts, now known as “field theory”, “quantum theory” and “relativity theory”. But the classical theory of the field, electrodynamics, has merged with quantum theory into a new theory called <quantum electrodynamics> and describes all the electromagnetic interactions between subatomic particles.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
Take a breath. Release the tension in your body. Place attention on your physical heart. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease.
In the book, Secrets of the Soil, the author, Christopher Bird, mentions the work of T. Galen Hieronymus, the inventor of the cosmic pipe. The cosmic pipe is a 6 foot length of PVC 6″ pipe filled with basalt flour with a copper wire running down the middle of the pipe. The pipe is then stood on end in the ground near a field in which a fanner wishes to grow a crop. This arrangement is said to vitalize plants and produce greater yields. This invention is a variation of towers, obelisks and pyramids used by agriculturists for the same purpose since ancient times. In the same book, Mr. Bird includes an interview with Harvey Lisle a bio-dynamic experimenter who has researched, among other things, the cosmic pipe. Mr. lisle did his research by dowsing and by chromatography. Mr. Lisle experimented by using a cosmic pipe to try to broadcast the Bio-Dynamic preparations. What he found was that the life force in the preparations showed strong deterioration when put inside the pipe. This was checked bychromatography. The article ended with Mr. Lisle questioning why the cosmic pipe would damp down life force when it apparently stimulated growth. This question became a burning one for this author. This paper is an attempt to take a look at the original versions of the cosmic pipe in order to try to gain insight into the problem of stimulating life in the agricultural sphere through the induction of cosmic forces. (more…)
Science acknowledges that bombardment of matter by swift moving alpha particles has proven a powerful method of studying artificial transformation of the nucleii of a number of the ordinary elements. Evidence is also accumulating that by this method we are able to cause a disintegration of a nucleus of greater mass by capture of the colliding alpha particle.
The above law applied to therapy and other scientific investigation is not beyond possibility. Through the treatment of the cells of the human body artificial transformation or disintegration may take place. The disintegration of fungi and cells gone wild in the body is of value in therapy. Nature can then rebuild with new, healthy tissue and cells. That is what is attempted in Radium and X-Ray therapy and would be accomplished if it were not for the destructive effects of radium and X-ray to living cells. By proper screening and applications of proper amounts of the fast moving alpha rays as also gamma rays and treatment by beta rays (which are electrical in nature) one can obtain beneficial effects in many cases. Valuable results can be had in therapy on living cells if there is no destruction of cells or tissue in trying to effect a cure. (more…)
For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the Secret of the Universe
The Evolution and Transmutation of the Atom
Compiled for the Layman from Excerpts of the Writings of
The Words “Radiant Energy” and “Dr. Moray” have been synonymous for the past twenty years.
The reader should bear in mind that most of the ideas as set forth in the following pages, as also later date, were first given to the world by Dr. Moray from 1911 to 1931, and therefore should be read with that thought in mind.
In the past we permitted ourselves to be put on the defensive in our attempts to prove our stand. This was a mistake, as TRUTH should never be put on the defensive. The system of instruction of the Far East rather than that of the Western World should be used in advancing new discoveries of truth. In the Far East the teacher does not stop to prove each theory or fact. The message is delivered whether his hearers agree with him or not. He does not care whether they all agree with him or not, for he feels sure those who are ready for the truth he teaches will recognize it, and for the others, if they are not prepared to receive the truth, no amount of argument will help matters. The Eastern teacher knows that much of his teaching is but the planting of seed which will grow and be recognized only after the lapse of time.
We do not mean that anyone should blindly accept everything presented to him, but history, repeating itself, does prove that mankind goes on from one generation to another blindly closing its mind to new lines of thought only because he does not or will not understand o (more…)
DISCOVERY of “odic rays” of high penetration produced simply by the electric current drawn from an ordinary light socket, and yet with the curative and medicinal value of X-rays, is claimed by Dr. Edgar L. Hollingshead, of Pasadena, Calif.
With simple, inexpensive apparatus he is reported to have passed rays through 11-1/2 inches of lead and 4-1/2 inches of steel, at such strength as to sear dental X-ray films encased in tinfoil. (more…)
Theoretical physicists are making continuous efforts to bridge the apparent gap between mind and matter. The Jesuit-trained French philosopher, Descartes, claimed the gap was unbridgeable and Western science has followed his lead for too long. Eastern science says there is no such gap, and has said so for thousands of years. Now, physicists like Fritjof Capra in his book “The Tao Of Physics”, are turning to the writings of Eastern philosophers to prove that Western physics has bridged the gap without knowing it! One such physicist, Fred Alan Wolf, outlines his effort in a brief article in the September 1985 issue of “Omni” magazine, “Quantum Consciousness”; but instead of following the lead of his teachers—East and West—and accepting the principle that mind precedes and controls matter, he reasons that matter controls mind, and the emotions.
In enunciating the Law of Indeterminacy years ago, the German physicist, Heisenberg, acknowledged the supremacy of mind over matter. He told his students of the 1930s that the experimenter is a part of the experiment, that his attention on it will affect the outcome. This resulted in a wave of scepticism in the scientific world then, but the recognized wave-particle duality of quantum physics confirms the German’s inspired observation.
Wolf poses the question: “When does an atomic object behave like a wave and when does it behave like a particle? According to many quantum physicists the answer (more…)
The messages engraved in the heart of certain discoveries and inventions, many times, may take years of earnest search to unlock. I believe this to be so because we perceive that Space Itself is Intelligent; and any Ray of Discovery which is sent into any sensitive recipient sends within itself deep messagings into new foundations from which it issues forth.
Such is the case with the very great and profound discoveries of Dr. Thomas Henry Moray, whose notes and letters have been searched through for decades with little progress, save perhaps in the venues of philosophy and basic understandings concerning Space. This, we maintain, is because no one has made any significant post-developmental work upon this great discoverer’s designs in the physical sense. All subsequent work has been verbal and cognitive. It is well within the power of certain devices of legendary position to generate such intense mental focussings in suited populations of individuals.
Recently I have been fortunate enough to experience a series of observations which may hold the secret of a new power for us, and a means of unlocking many of these mysteries which have captivated our (more…)
These aphorisms belong to a level of consciousness where thought and music unite. They are seeds which may develop into a comprehensive system of philosophy while, at the same time, they are a substance bringing sustenance to the soul. It is not necessary that the reader should understand them. He should use them as focal points for meditation and permit their meaning to develop in his consciousness as a plant grows from seed. They are symbols first and concepts afterward. As concepts they illumine the way for understanding. As symbols they open the door to the realization of that Reality which cannot be felt or thought.
Consciousness-without-an-object is. Before objects were, Consciousness-without-an-object is. Though objects seem to exist, Consciousness-without-an-object is. When objects vanish, yet remaining through all (more…)
Quantitative inertial science has built for itself a grand theory which supposedly explains all the observed celestial movements. Modern astronomy satisfies itself by explaining that certain fundamentally observed celestial movements are optical perspectives resulting from earth rotation and revolution.
Quantitative inertial science explains the eccentric planetary sky courses as complex perspectives which result from combinations of planetary movements and earth movements. Inertial theory constructs reference frames and perspective motions in order to define celestial “behaviour”… or “nature”.
Quantitative inertial science moves all the heavens and earth in order to explain observed celestial movements and symmetries. It sets the heavens aquiver in order to “explain” what sight and sense define.What inertial science has never satisfactorily explained deals with immediate experience. The question which we are asking here is best stated by children who state with incredulity:
“If the earth IS moving… why then do I NOT FEEL IT?”
We must realize that IF the earth is moving… then physical points(located on its supposed curved surface) are necessarily being DISPLACED with even greater rapidity as a specific spatial deviation. If thisdeviation is large enough… (more…)
ONE of the most conspicuous conquests of the world market this century took place during the 1980’s. Corporate promotions managed the complete turnover of a market already saturated with numerous successful recording media. Several major electronics megaliths thus stimulated an unnecessary techno-revolution while demonstrating a deadly proficiency in social manipulation. The CD mindwar swept the working class world in an aggressive plague of conspicuous consumption. In the opinion of some notables digital recording is a completely unnecessary and over-rated technology. It is not enough to mention the consciousness-damaging effects of the CD “revolution” on human sensibilities. Digital technology, and its glaring failure to deliver promised objectives, provokes clarified scientific comment
With the appearance of the CD systems came a concurrent tide of resistance among afficionadi of the existing recording media. Conspicuous differences between analog and digital recording media were wholly qualitative in content, a sizable population expressing the commentary of dissent. This was an affront which corporate controllers would not tolerate.
Remarkable cohesive unities appeared among widely separated and independent audio industry commentators. Based on sensations and “feelings”, media experts the world over complained of the “harsh edge”, “sharp attack”, and “cold atmosphere” which characterized CD sound. The “soft warmth” of both phonographic and magnetic recordings, became part of an established lexicon among CD critics.
Audio engineers recalled this very same commentary when transistor technology was socially deployed. While germanium transistors produced truly wonderful results in radio or television reception, they failed in audio applications. There were those who deplored the “cold hard sound” of transistor stereo amplifiers, preferring the “warm soft sound” produced by vacuum tubes. Certain companies continued manufacturing vacuum tube stereo amplifiers, classics in the collector’s art today.
Musicians of the late 1960’s recall when transistorized guitar amplifiers were first introduced, discovering for themselves the very same “hard, edgy, cold, and unresponsive” sound. Those who enjoyed the use of distortion and (more…)
Dr. Oscar Brunler, D. SC., 1950
Condensation of Energy, and Motion is the life of the Universe.
Condensation of Energy, Radiation and Wave-motion become matter, form, sound, music, colour and light.
Truth and Wisdom can only be discovered through observation, experiment and experience.
In our search for Truth and Understanding we discover that the wheat is mingled with the chaff. Facts and superstition, theories and imagination must be investigated in order to arrive at conclusions which can be formulated into laws. The whole of our Universe, the whole of creation, is based on definite laws. We have discovered many of these laws and we believe we have discovered most of them. These laws apply to matter, to the starry heavens; they operate in physics and in chemistry and in all fields of science. We have discovered that we can say beforehand what results we may expect when we make use of the laws governing a particular branch of science.
Let us for a fleeting moment look at some of the basic laws, which we use in (more…)
This term refers to therapeutic effects obtained by applying wire circuits to connect one part of a person’s body with, another part, or to connect an area of one person’s body with an area of another person’s body. L. E. Eeman, in his exhaustive research into this type of circuit as detailed in his book Co-Operative Healing, utilized these connections in pairs so that there would be a complete electrical circuit. (more…)
What is the hardest thing of all ?
That which seems the easiest
For your eyes to see,
That which lies before your eyes.
– Goethe
Nuclear technology of death from the tribe of Einstein, Oppenheimer, Sakharov and Teller was deployed in the desert in July of 1945 at Alamogordo, New Mexico. Within two years of the advent of this realization of the death formula E = MC2, the living planet Earth was being reconnoitered by unknown numbers of aliens whose origins, purposes and intents remain a mystery. Whether as guardians, brothers, predators, scavengers, parasites, landlords or foemen – the space creatures have been observed (along with their craft) continuously since the beginning of atomic explosions on Earth.
The Theory of Anti-Relativity
by E.P. Dollard
In order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the dimensional relations of the magnetic inductance, and the electro-static capacitance it is necessary to turn again to the metrical dimension of space. It is, however, this dimension of (more…)
Tesla, on Eve of 76th Birthday, Says He Has Succeeded in Harnessing ‘Penetrating Rays’ to Operate Small Motive Device
Nikola Tesla free energy superman“I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device,” declared Nikola Tesla, famous scientist, in an interview last evening on the eve of his 76th birthday…
Tesla, who all his life has worked in seclusion and struggles to avoid publicity with all the vigor with which movie stars court it, permits a handful of “science writers” to violate the rules as a sort of birthday party.
It is very much of an ordeal to the tall, straight, meticulously attired gentleman whose inventions have been epoch-making and who is unable to understand why the public should be interested in him.
“Cosmic ray investigation is a subject that is very close to me. I was the first to discover these rays and I naturally feel toward them as I would toward my own flesh and blood,” said Dr. Tesla.
His statement is borne out by reference to clippings of interviews with him more than a quarter of a century ago in which he discussed “penetrating rays” and to which not much attention was given as no one was able to comprehend the nature of (more…)
A man’s mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
four ethers xIn attempting to provide a thumbnail sketch of the spiritual-scientific conceptions of Dr. Steiner, and of those who followed the pathway he broke, one is sharply conscious of a certain impertinence. Steiner’s work is destined to change the character of modern knowledge, as well as expand the means of its acquisition. These are weighty matters. There are at present in print, in the U.S.A. and in the English language, at least 250 separate books and collections of lectures by Dr. Steiner. Let the following words therefore be regarded as an outline sketch of those aspects of Steiner’s work that enabled me to approach UFO phenomena in a new way.
Anthroposophy provides insight into the changes of consciousness that have taken place during human evolution, in various regions and periods of the past. Popular conceptions of ancient man present him as just like us, but lacking automobiles, electronics and similar modern appurtenances. Our belief today is that people did not really know anything before the rise of modern science and its measurement techniques. (more…)
The arrangement of nine dials with then studs each permits combinations of these tiny impedances going into billions. The sensitivity of the instrument is absolutely remarkable, when we consider that with it we may pick up from the human body, with its jumble of molecular broadcasts, those of each individual organ and gland.
To establish a “rate” for a substance, i.e., to express it as a number, in terms of dial readings, that substance is placed on the foot plates of the instrument. The footplates are actually the end of the antenna. The operator then begins to stroke the detecting pad which is connected between the instrument and ground. (more…)
Radionic is a method of self-improvement that uses devices to interact with subtle energy patterns. The field of action of Radionic is very broad: therapies, personal development, achievement of goals and objectives, impact on the environment, improving foods, sport, business and income, relationships and etc. When using these devices properly we can enhance, amplify and emit thoughts and ideas so that the circumstances lead us to realize goals, desires and goals of all kinds more easily.
Radionic instruments can detect, measure and broadcast information. This way they can correct imbalances or enhance aspects that need improving, amplifying or materialize. (more…)
Thoughts and lessons learned.
As we are taught at school, in a atom’s space, electrons remain imprisoned, and are forced to rotate ,in a “possessed” state, around a center of power, held by a powerful atomic core that exerts on them an oppressive but dynamic charm.The rotational path of each electron is determined only by the traction forces of the nucleus that invisibly guide it.Yet electrons, ignoring the existence of these forces and lost in their ignorance, rejoice in the apparent and false freedom of their invisible prison, since they “believe” that their free will made them move in their orbits. But we as external observers know that orbit does not determine each electron but the dominant core. We still know that each electron is far from the very powerful core a different distance. The nearest electrons in the nucleus probably feel that they hold a dominant position within the atom over the others that are farther away. In this way, in the “society” of electrons of an atom, a “special social stratification” is created, with the sole criterion-qualification of (more…)