Eeman’s Healing BioCircuits

Co-Operative Healing with Eeman Circuits


This term refers to therapeutic effects obtained by applying wire circuits to connect one part of a person’s body with, another part, or to connect an area of one person’s body with an area of another person’s body. L. E. Eeman, in his exhaustive research into this type of circuit as detailed in his book Co-Operative Healing, utilized these connections in pairs so that there would be a complete electrical circuit.

The basis of the flow effects obtained by the use of these Eeman circuits, was the discovery that human bodies give evidence of being bi-polar, along three axes—

Head to feet
Right side to left side
Back to front

When polar opposites are connected together, whether within one body or between two or more bodies, the effects noted include greater relaxation, recovery from fatigue and disease, greater capacity for work, better health in general. Eeman circuits connecting polar opposites are termed “Relaxation Circuits”.

When polar similars are connected together, the effects noted are the creation of tension, and the opposites of all the advantages obtained from Relaxation Circuits. Eeman circuits connecting polar similars are termed “Tension Circuits”.

The use of these Eeman circuits have been found to affect not only functional physical and mental conditions but also organic conditions.

In people born right-handed, the head and right side have been found to have the same polarity, which by convention has been termed positive. In these individuals, the base of the spine, and the left hand share the same polarity, opposite to that of the head and right side, and is therefore termed negative. Generally polarities are considered reversed in those born left-handed, however Eeman found that some left-handers were of the same polarity as right-handers.

Eeman and co-workers performed thousands of carefully documented experiments under controlled conditions over a period of years, establishing the effects of a wide variety of these circuits, and ruling out the possibility of effects through suggestion or other extraneous influences. For more detail, see his book Co-Operative Healing, published in London, 1947 by Frederick MuIIer, Ltd.


The diagram (Fig. 1) shows the circuit. Two metal handles each connect through approximately 10 ft. of insulated copper wire, to copper screen mats about a foot square. The individual lies on his back with the copper mats under his head and base of spine. For right-handed individuals, a relaxation circuit is formed if the left hand holds the handle connecting to the mat under the head, and the right hand holds the handle connected with the mat under the bottom of spine. Average duration of exposure is half an hour.

Likewise for right-handed individuals, if the handles are switched so that the left hand holds the handle connecting to the mat under the bottom of the spine, and the right hand holds the handle connecting to the mat under the head, a tension circuit is formed. These effects are noted even if the individual is not aware of the specific connections or if the connections are changed out of range of his vision and without his knowledge. One of the reasons for 10-ft. length of connection wires, is to permit changes of connection without the subject’s knowledge, in order to test the effect of suggestion. In almost all instances, the reactions are those appropriate to the circuit rather than to the suggestion given, if the suggestion is contrary to the effect of the circuit.

Many case reports covering various types of ailments are detailed in Eeman’s book Co-Operative Healing, and will not be repeated here. Among the ailments relieved by these circuits are listed: mental, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and eliminative disorders; headaches, high blood-pressure, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and many other conditions. Insomnia appeared particularly to be relieved.

Eeman states:

“The relaxation circuit almost invariably produces a progressive sense of muscular relaxation, warmth, well-being and drowsiness, often culminating in sleep, slower and stronger pulse, slower and fuller respiration, with more complete deflation, progressively longer pauses between deflations and inflations, and a lowering of the pitch of the voice.”

The Tension circuit reverses the above reactions and eventually leads to varying degrees of tension, restlessness and discomfort.

It was found that direct contact between the copper mats and the individual was not necessary in order to produce the effects noted; clothing and even cushions did not act as barriers.


The effects of both Relaxation and Tension Eeman circuits are usually increased if two persons are connected with each other, using a separate pair of copper mats for each person.

The normal Relaxation circuit is formed when the head of each person is connected to the left hand of the other person, and the bottom of the spine of each person is connected to the right hand of the other person. See Fig. 2.

It was found that sex made no difference in polarity—the same circuit being applicable to two men, two women, or one woman and one man. However, Left and Right-handedness does make a difference in polarity. When a right-handed person is placed in circuit with a left-handed person, then the Relaxation circuit is formed when the head of each person connects with the right hand of the other person, and the bottom of spine of each person connects with the left hand of the other person. Also, the left-handed person should lie in the opposite direction from the right-handed one.

Reports from the experiments indicate the rather curious fact that when a strong or well person is placed in an Eeman circuit with a weak or ill person, both experience beneficial effects from the experience. Sleep for a half hour or more will frequently visit both subjects.

Another interesting fact that emerged from the tests, is that a Tension circuit tends to produce discord and antagonism between the two participating subjects, and this antagonism is then dissipated if a Relaxation circuit is used.


The same principles were found to apply with three or more persons in circuit —in fact the number of persons could be increased indefinitely. However, with the addition of more individuals in the circuit, additional phenomena appeared; some individuals turned out to be stronger “emitters”, other individuals acted more as “receivers”, while others seemed to have as the primary characteristic, that of being “conductors”. For a detailed account of these characteristics, refer to Eeman’s book Co-Operative Healing, Chapter IV,

Fig. 3 shows a Relaxation circuit between three individuals; the same circuit can be expanded to include any desired number. This is termed a “series” type of circuit.

For multiple use (three or more persons in circuit at one time), two principal circuits emerged as the best ones to use—diagrammed in Figs. 4, 5 and 6.

In Fig. 4, all the heads connect together, all spines connect together, and those then are connected with each other. All right hands connect together, all left hands connect together, and those two sets are likewise connected with each other

.In Fig. 5, all heads and all left hands connect together, and all spines and all right hands connect together.


It would appear from the Eeman experiments, that human beings emit, emanate or radiate a particular kind of current or impulse, which can be channelled with wire connections and used to produce either healing effects or adverse effects, depending upon polarity.


One of the most interesting aspects of the Eeman research, was the series of tests in which a Relaxation Eeman circuit was established for one or several persons, and the circuit was broken by test vials placed in the circuit one at a time, each vial containing two electrodes immersed in a drag or medicinal solution. The vials were inserted out of range of the vision of the subjects, and they did not at any time have any knowledge of the names or characteristics of the test substances. Yet within a short time after a substance had been inserted, the subjects experienced physiological changes and symptoms, which almost always were representative of the effects engendered by the drug or substance used in the test. If the subjects were kept in circuit with a substance for too long a time, there were instances where the symptoms or physiological effects became very acute and severe.

Some of the tests were run with coded vials, so that the operator would not know what substance was in use at any given time, and so could not have had telepathic influence over the minds of the subjects. These tests, conducted to rule out the possibility of telepathic effect, proved just as positive in results as the tests conducted when the operator (though not the subjects) knew what substances were being tested.

Fig. 6 shows an Eeman Relaxation circuit for drug tests.

The implications of these Eeman Circuit drug tests tend to confirm the hypothesis, previously stated by others, that all substances radiate and that these radiations can be carried on wires.



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