Eidetic Geocentrism
by Gerry Vassilatos
Quantitative inertial science has built for itself a grand theory which supposedly explains all the observed celestial movements. Modern astronomy satisfies itself by explaining that certain fundamentally observed celestial movements are optical perspectives resulting from earth rotation and revolution.

Quantitative inertial science explains the eccentric planetary sky courses as complex perspectives which result from combinations of planetary movements and earth movements. Inertial theory constructs reference frames and perspective motions in order to define celestial “behaviour”… or “nature”.
Quantitative inertial science moves all the heavens and earth in order to explain observed celestial movements and symmetries. It sets the heavens aquiver in order to “explain” what sight and sense define.What inertial science has never satisfactorily explained deals with immediate experience. The question which we are asking here is best stated by children who state with incredulity:
“If the earth IS moving… why then do I NOT FEEL IT?”
We must realize that IF the earth is moving… then physical points(located on its supposed curved surface) are necessarily being DISPLACED with even greater rapidity as a specific spatial deviation. If thisdeviation is large enough… then it must be felt as a falling sensation despite gravity.
If we accept all the quantitative evidences which several centuries of geodesy have accumulated then we reach a most startling revelation in several simple mathematical steps.
We take the equatorial earth radius, 3963.221 miles and calculate the equatorial earth circumference to be 24911.22191 miles. Earth rotational time is taken to be 23.9344694 hours per rotation. We therefore calculate that the earth rotational speed is .28913735 miles per second displacement at any equatorial surface point.
DISPLACEMENT is the essential term which we will examine here.Not to comprehend the meaning of DISPLACEMENT is to miss the central revelation of these investigations.
Our desired mathematical goal is to determine the actual physicaldisplacement which a sensing organism (on the equatorial surface)experiences. We wish to clarify the maximum displacements which arepossible on the (supposed) globe.
If such displacements are sizable then they must be subjectively (and continuously) sensed throughout the day. After all… if we are “riding” the surface of an immense ball through space… then we must feel the“shifting” or “drop” as we continuously readjust spatial position from second to second. Trigonometric determinations give us the actual “drop” every second as we (supposedly) “hurl through space… unfeelingly”.
We must first determine the actual equatorial speed which any of us SHOULD feel. I say SHOULD feel… because we are dealing with an angular displacement and not a linear velocity. Our subjective senses are extremely precise in (survivalistically) sensing all and any slight spatial displacement. While we might not be able at all to sense constant linear velocities we do sense continuous angular displacements however slight.
If the earth is rotating we need to know its actual speed… and recognize that this speed is one whose direction continually shifts with every new second. Slight directional changes produce mild nausea… despite gravity.Gravitation never cancels out the sensations produced by any angular displacement even when the two coincide (as they do on the earth’s surface)… a fact which academicians conveniently fail to address.
Gravitation does not neutralize the sensate spatial displacement on the surface of so huge a mass as the earth. Gravity focuses on the (supposed) earth center. Angular displacements focus on each tangent to the curved earth surface… an enormous thrust.The actual speed of equatorial rotation is determined as .28913735 miles per second. Were we to hang a fixed pendulum in space over any specific spot we would measure it as moving away from us at little more than ¼ mile displacement per second.This is no small velocity of which to speak. The point we wish to consider is not the constant speed of rotation through space… but the experienced DISPLACEMENT along any tangent to the surface. This is the value which triggers nerves and survivalistically protects us from“falling”.
The significance of this calculated value cannot be underestimated(as historically it has been). If the earth is rotating… then we SHOULD feel the displacement every second. If we are rotating then we should SENSE the speed because of the displaced “drop” across space from any point. After all… if you are facing any one particular point in space and are moving with such rapidity you should experience the very slightest physical divergence FROM that faced direction. This displacement produces a “headlong” feeling across a certain (calculated) space.
Earth rotates 360 degrees every day. Earth rotates .0041666 degrees every second. We examine a slice of equatorial earth and construct a right triangle. We know the hypotenuse of this triangle as the earth radius. We know the angle from earth center as ½ the angular rotation per second…which is .002083333 degrees per half-second. The sine of this minute angle is accurately determined to be .000036177 and is the most crucial term in our discussion. The accuracy of this constant determines the purity of all our subsequent calculations.
Applying the sine formula to this huge right triangle gives the value of the chord section A as .143377446 miles. Calculation reveals that the surface curvature is .144556867 miles. How curved is the surface curvature? There is a supposed 2 foot “drop” per mile tangent on the earth’s surface. We may therefore neglect the curvature across this surface section… since it amounts to .289113734 feet… less than 3 inches.
We then construct a second right angle triangle. We take the “across the ground” distance per second as the hypotenuse. We measure the displacement as a “drop” from that surface… to chord A. Using Pythagoras’ equation, we determine the actual “drop” from curved surface to chord A as 1075.018618 feet… a staggering large value!
If we are displaced from our physiological center in any space at the rate of 1075 feet per second then we should all CONTINUOUSLY FEEL the displacement. But… we do NOT in fact feel any such motion.